Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Evil Reflux Monster

Grace continues to suffer from acid reflux. So far the pediatricians have put her on three different prescription medications. All of them have worked effectively for about a week, and then their long-term effectiveness seems to wear off. Tarren called the doctor today, and he has put us in touch with a GI specialist, since this latest medication would normally do the trick with most who suffer from reflux (apparently its the strongest medication available). So we'll see what the specialist has to say about her situation.

Lucas and I have been taking afternoon walks through the park pretty regularly the past few day. We normally stop off for some "swings and slides" afterwards. There are deer where we walk (very tame), and they aren't spooked even when we pass within twenty feet or so. There has been one young family of deer frequenting a particular spot on our walks recently. Lucas greets them as if they were his own.

1 comment:

Marcel said...

I just talked to Pat about Grace's problem and she confirmed my first thought. Cheryl was our only child that had such a problem and we suffered through it for a long time, particularly Pat who never went anywhere without smelling like puke. It was quite a while before we found that Cheryl was lactose intolerant. Check it out.